Last night it was brought to my attention that Jessica was famed for her great skill when it came to the Milton Bradley game Connect Four, circa 1974. Two players, ages generally range from 7 and up; games tend to last around ten minutes. I was curious to see her in her flair that made her a Connect Four celebrity in the Provo area. Children would come from a far to see her toy with her challenger, as she juggled the checkers across her knuckles, starring straight at them as if she could read ones thoughts. I must be honest with you, I did fear for my life as we laid out the travel size game. Instantly, I lost the first game not even knowing what had happen, I felt violated and used all at once. I mustard up all of my courage and took her once more. Final tally: Abe-6, Jessica-1. I was foolish to think that we could simply “spoon” afterwards…but that wasn’t the case. Needless to say, after she reads this, she most likely wont “spoon” with me tonight as well.
Yay for blogging! And horray for connect four. I always sing that little jingle on the commercials for that game "connect four!" oh wait...you can't hear me. Oh well
yeah she was famous... famous for LOSING. looks like jess still has it!
You guys crack me up! Weston has a game like Connect Four, called Tic Tac Tony by Fisher Price and he always wins and if he doesn't, he tells you he won anyway... so maybe you guys should come play that!
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